What is facilitation?
What are the skills of a facilitator?
The core skills:-
- Trust building
- Thoughtful questioning
- Empathetic listening
- Constructive feedback
Specific skills:-
- Clarity of explanation
- Keeping control
- Managing time
- Decision making
- Problem solving
- Getting to action
What are the tasks of a facilitator?
- Planning an event
- Agreeing objectives
- Creating a climate of success
- Managing the process
- Maintaining direction
- Monitoring progress
- Dealing with fears
- Managing conflict
- Developing action plans
- Summarising and reviewing outcomes
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Managing the wider organisation
What are the tools of the facilitator?
- Brainstorming
- Icebreakers and energisers
- OARRs Outcomes, Agenda, Roles and Rules
- Posters
- Lists
- Clusters
- Grids
- Diagrams
- Drawings
- Mandalas