Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Applying 'flip the classroom'

This is how I have applied 'flip the classroom' to our 'Coaching with Emotional Intelligence' programme.

The objectives: 

After completing this learning programme you will:-   
  • Understand the importance of coaching to individual and organisation success.
  • Be able to effectively use the skills, behaviours and tools of coaching.
  • Have completed at least 1 coaching assignments and received feedback from your coachee and your coach.
  • Have assessed your capability to coach, identified your strengths and areas needing improvement, plus created a development plan for the coming year.

This is a ‘flip the classroom’ programme that has the following attributes:-       
  • You will need to learn most of the theory via online modules prior to attending twilight sessions.
  • You will have access to coaches who will work with you throughout the programme.
  • Reflection is a very important part of the programme so you will need to commit to maintain a learning blog throughout the programme and sharing the link with your coaches and fellow participants.

How you will learn to coach
The power of emotional intelligence
How to improve your empathetic listening
How to improve thoughtful questioning
How to improve constructive feedback
TOOL The Coaching Wheel
TOOL The Coaching Funnel
TOOL Root Cause
TOOL Overcoming Blockers
TOOL Scaling

1.   Kick off meeting

1½ hours from 1615
The kick off session:
1.   Personal introductions (TOOL: Building Rapport)
2.   How the programme will work and your time commitment
3.   Agree how you will work together with your coaches
4.   Learn how to set up your on-line learning blog
5.   Agree dates for future twilight sessions

Action based learning
Within 2 days you will need to set up your learning blog and capture your personal objectives for the programme sharing the link with your coach. 

2.   Twilight session

2½ hours from 1615

Training session – the basics:
1.   What is coaching including the different types of coaching
2.   Understanding coaching vs mentoring
3.   Debunking common coaching myths
4.   The key principles of coaching
5.   Emotional Intelligence.
6.   The 4 coaching skills (Building Rapport, Listening, Questioning, Giving Feedback)
7.   TOOL – the Coaching Wheel
8.   Assignment – prepare your coaching wheel

Action based learning

You will go through the process of preparing your Coaching Wheel making use of the online module. Once you complete your assignment, write up your reflections on your learning blog.                                                                            

3.   Twilight session

2½ hours from 1615

One to one coaching session:
1.   You will be coached and coach someone using the Coaching Wheel and the Questioning Funnel + GROW
2.   You will receive feedback from your coach plus other participants on your coaching performance
3.   Learn how to set up your 360º feedback survey (launch and feedback will be planned in later in the programme)
4.   Assignment: update learning blog and answer 3 questions that will be given to you at the end of this session
Action based learning

Update your learning blog and answer the 3 questions from the theory session.

4.Twilight session

2½ hours from 1615

Training session - drilling down deeper:      
1.   Learning review
2.   Discuss barriers to coaching
3.   Your coach you using the Root Cause tool
4.   Cover the theory of using the Root Cause tool
5.   Assignment: You will be assigned someone outside the group who you will coach. Note: you will be fully briefed on what you have to do

Action based learning
Capture your reflections to your learning blog.

Complete your coaching assignment and update your learning blog.

One-to-one session

1½ hours

One-to-one coaching session – results of 360:

You will receive the results of your 360º feedback via a one-to-one coaching session with your coach.

You will be taken through the details and will identify your strengths and struggles as a coach.

You will agree your personal development plan and then share the results via your learning blog.

5.   Twilight session

2½ hours from 1615

Training session – overcoming blockers:
1.   You will complete the ‘blockers and drivers’ spreadsheet prior to the meeting
2.   Your coach will take you through the theory for the Overcoming Blockers tool
3.   You will receive the results of your self-assessment
4.   Prepare your coaching assignment – to use Overcoming Blockers you’re your coachee

Action based learning
Coach your coachee using Overcoming Blockers and capture your reflections to your learning blog after the session.

6.   Twilight session

2½ hours from 1615

Training session – solution based coaching:
1.   Learning review
2.   Solution focused coaching
3.   How to use the scaling tool
4.   Final coaching assignment – coaching your coachee using a solution based approach

Action based learning
Complete your final assignment fully updating your learning blog.

7.   Twilight session

1½ hours from 1615

The final session:
1.   You will review your full ‘journey’ to make sure lessons have been learnt
2.   Receive feedback from your coachees
3.   Plan how you will continue with your own development as a coach
4.   Farewell

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